Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Black And White" exhibition in Gdansk, Poland

Ive got another show coming up on the 6th May in Gdasnk in Poland. It’s a group exhibition called Black & White and im sharing with some great artists in an equally great space. Showing my work abroad is really exciting for me, i’m meeting lots of cool people who are really enthusiastic about art and sharing ideas.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Birds of a Feather exhibition,Chicago, USA

Last night was the opening of a joint exhibition between myself and Jessie Smith-Larson called Birds of a Feather. I couldnt jet to the States so from 1am until 3am (British time) we held a live webcast from SWIM Gallery in West Chicago to Stoke on Trent, England.

It was great to meet so many new faces and hear about the Chicago arts scene which sounds thriving and very supportive.

I was showing large format limited edition prints from the Unsteady Hands collection whilst Jessie was showing some great paintings of birds hung by wires- a really great collaboration!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Showing at SWIM Gallery, Chicago USA

On Friday 23rd April i'll be showing large scale Limited Edition Prints at the SWIM Gallery in West Chicago, USA. This will be a joint show with my new friend Jessie Smith Larson, a truly amazing painter and mixed media artist.

Friday, April 23, 6-9pm

Swim Gallery on 1357 West Chicago Avenue (in between Noble and Ada)

Im really excited to be sharing the show with Jessie after talking about our mutual practice- it seems we have very similar ways of approaching work and over thinking experiences!

The Show is Called Birds of a Feather and will be on for a month- hopefully ill be present via Skype Video so stay tuned for updates!

Solo Exhibition at Stoke on Trent Repertory Theatre

Im currently showing work at Stoke on Trents Rep Theatre until the end of the month.
Entrance is free from 6pm weekdays and you can catch a performance as well!
Leek Road
Stoke on Trent
01782 209 784