Thursday, December 2, 2010

Space Homies bags in the shops now!

My Space Homies tote bags are now on sale in LMNOP Shop in the UK! Click on the link and go to Gifts, scroll down and there they are!
Perfect for Christmas and eco friendly too!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

5 By 12 Exhibition, Kraak Gallery, Manchester UK

Heres some photos of the opening night of my latest exhibition at the Kraak Gallery Manchester, UK. The night was great with lots of visitors to the gallery- previously an illegal nightclub turned into a fantastic contemporary arts space.

Thanks to Laura Louise Cream for the photos

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some photos from my show in Gdansk, Poland

"Chris’ work is highly imaginative, almost like giant doodles that got out of control, the detailed and intricate images within images (the largest piece was over 2.5 metres long), pleased the Gdansk audience of critics, artists and cultural organizers, not an easy thing to do in a city brimming with art and culture." - Art@Gdansk Gallery, Poland

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Now showing at Art@Gdansk Poland

Update and Magazine feature

Its a pretty busy summer here with shows in Poland, Manchester and the States and getting work planned for winter, all good though!

While im not making new work im submitting proposals to galleries for next year, im hoping to get over to Gdansk Poland for a show next year to work with the Art@Gdansk folks who've been so supportive of my work this year.

Heres a photo from PEEP Magazine, a new arts and culture publication, Check it out here:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Drawing Fragments video

Heres a film of me drawing Fragments, which is now on show at the Cornerhouse, Manchester.
I filmed this on a Kodak zi8, with a macro lense and im using a customised 0.001 profi pen.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Check out my interview on MDM Wonderlance, July issue out now!

Check out my interview on MDM Wonderlance, a great online magazine featuring art and science. Heres the link below:

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cornerhouse show photos

Heres some shots from my Cornerhouse show in Manchester called Fragments. Thanks to Mark Brereton for the photography and Tomas and the technicians at the gallery.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video of Britannia in progress

Britannia in progress
Just a quick clip of my drawing Britannia in progress. Its on show now as part of my show at Cornerhouse Manchester.
Pen & ink
8.3 x 11.7 inches

Monday, July 5, 2010

Cornerhouse show opens tomorrow

My solo show "Fragments" opens tomorrow at Cornerhouse, Manchester. Entry is free and ill be there on Saturday if youd like a chat and a cuppa.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hands Out

Hands Out
Pen and ink
27 x 14 inches

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hands Out record sleeve artwork

Hands Out

Album sleeve art for the band Ox Scapula is out now and available on Art For Blind, Gringo, Sea Owl and Welikedanger record labels.

Im really happy with this - the album sounds great too.

You can buy the record from the labels or from the band themselves- have a look at their website for a free listen here:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Solo Exhibition at Cornerhouse Manchester, UK July 2010

Cornerhouse Manchester, UK
July 6th-15th August 2010

I have a solo show coming up at Manchesters Cornerhouse in July, showing all my work from the last year and two older pieces. I'm really looking forward to this as its my biggest UK show to date and I'm a big fan of the gallery itself. It opens on the 6th July so if you're in or around Manchester come by and say hello.

Other news is my new Facebook Fan Page, which is getting a nice number of fans since i set it up recently-its a place i can organise my portfolio without my personal photos confusing matters so please drop by and leave a message if you like my work.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Work in Progress

Work in Progress

Pen & Ink

10 x 12mm

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Black & White exhibition now showing in Gdansk,Poland

Black and White Exhibition in Gdansk Gallery, Poland

The Black and White Exhibition is up and running in Polands Gdansk Gallery right now, heres a pic of curator Elzbieta with my work Unsteady Hands. Ill be having a solo show in Poland sometime over the summer showing new work and limited edition prints.

Big thanks to Elzbieta and Robert for inviting me to show!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Space Homies T-shirt on sale- Plus free drawing!

So i won a national T-shirt competition this week!Im really excited i won this and will see the tees being printed up soon. Thanks to everyone who voted- if you send me a photo of you wearing the Tee i’ll send you a free postcard drawing. You can pre-order your tee now at

Thanks guys!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Black And White" exhibition in Gdansk, Poland

Ive got another show coming up on the 6th May in Gdasnk in Poland. It’s a group exhibition called Black & White and im sharing with some great artists in an equally great space. Showing my work abroad is really exciting for me, i’m meeting lots of cool people who are really enthusiastic about art and sharing ideas.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Birds of a Feather exhibition,Chicago, USA

Last night was the opening of a joint exhibition between myself and Jessie Smith-Larson called Birds of a Feather. I couldnt jet to the States so from 1am until 3am (British time) we held a live webcast from SWIM Gallery in West Chicago to Stoke on Trent, England.

It was great to meet so many new faces and hear about the Chicago arts scene which sounds thriving and very supportive.

I was showing large format limited edition prints from the Unsteady Hands collection whilst Jessie was showing some great paintings of birds hung by wires- a really great collaboration!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Showing at SWIM Gallery, Chicago USA

On Friday 23rd April i'll be showing large scale Limited Edition Prints at the SWIM Gallery in West Chicago, USA. This will be a joint show with my new friend Jessie Smith Larson, a truly amazing painter and mixed media artist.

Friday, April 23, 6-9pm

Swim Gallery on 1357 West Chicago Avenue (in between Noble and Ada)

Im really excited to be sharing the show with Jessie after talking about our mutual practice- it seems we have very similar ways of approaching work and over thinking experiences!

The Show is Called Birds of a Feather and will be on for a month- hopefully ill be present via Skype Video so stay tuned for updates!

Solo Exhibition at Stoke on Trent Repertory Theatre

Im currently showing work at Stoke on Trents Rep Theatre until the end of the month.
Entrance is free from 6pm weekdays and you can catch a performance as well!
Leek Road
Stoke on Trent
01782 209 784

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Issue 6. The Travel Issue.

A really great, free magazine with photography, text and art form around the world have a look here:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My current exhibition is up and running now at Barewall Gallery, a great space run by really great people, go have a look! Ive got three pieces on show as well as some limited edition screen prints for sale.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Its a busy year again with plenty of exciting exhibitions and collaborations, heres a run down:

Im currently getting my work ready for two exhibitions this month:

A really great space with online gallery support, be sure to have a look.
And Stoke on Trent Repertory Theatre. Both are solo shows in the UK and ill post photos up soon.

Im still working on the Ox Scapula album artwork, its taking ages but its going to be good!

Ill post it when its all complete, in the meantime go and give the band a listen.

Exhibitions on the horizon include:
Swim Gallery Chicago, USA
Gdansk Gallery, Poland, venue TBC
Cornerhouse Gallery Manchester UK

Cheers and thanks for the support!